Thursday, January 9, 2014

Hey There, 2014!

I know, I know. I'm eight days late. But I'm lazy. And I procrastinate. And I am feeling really, really sleepy. But you know. I'm here now. Writing this post. WOOT!

I thought of all kinds of ways to do this post. I considered doing a recap of 2013. I considered making some kind of video. I considered not making this post at all. And now I've DECIDED...that I'm just going to wing it. Sound good to you?

I kind of hope it does because THAT'S HOW I'M DOIN' IT. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I'm just going to tell y'all about my top three things (that I will think up and choose RIGHT NOW) that happened in 2013. May or may not be book-related.

1. Nephew #4! If you follow me on Twitter, you already know this, but my fourth nephew was born in October. He's freaking ABORBS. 

2. POW! I became Victoria Scott's assistant. This may not seem like a big deal, but it really is to me. Normally, I see that kind of thing, think "oh, yeah, I'll apply later" and then when later actually comes around, I think of some reason why I would be the worst possible choice for it, blah blah blah. But this time I applied, went through all the interviews and whatnot, and OHMYFREAKINGGOD I got it. *dies* I will never be able to thank Victoria Scott enough. I freaking love that chick. LOVE, I SAY.

3. Friendsy Friends! My first year of blogging was pretty...sheltered. I didn't interact with other bloggers a whole bunch, and I NEVER really interacted with ones from Texas. But now I am glad to say I have a bunch of friendsy friends I can randomly tweet when I want to rant about a book, and I have friends I can say HEEEEEEEEEEY to when an author or book event or whatever is happening around them. And you know what? It's freaking awesome. 

I already made a bunch of top ten posts, (which you can see by clicking here), but let's rehash some of the biggie, shall we?

I read 154 books in 2013. 

My favorite? Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott. I could tell you all about how awesome this book is, but really you should just read it for yourself and EXPERIENCE the greatness. It releases February 25th! Also, I'd love a Pandora. Or two. *coughs*OR THREE*coughs*

My second favorite? Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. This book makes my heart feel all kinds of happy, and I truly believe any blogger or booklover could easily relate to Cath and her story. Now if only Levi could be real...

Goodness knows that I suck at planning. Obviously, since I'm doing this post a week late. But let's just give this whole "looking ahead" thing a try, alright? 

Books I'm anticipating? A crap load of sequels. Opposition by Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Warrior by Victoria Scott, Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor... And a crap ton of other things, too: Don't Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Geography of You & Me by Jennifer E. Smith, The Last Forever by Deb Caletti... 


As far as my blog... I actually have some stuff in mind for what to do this year. I'm thinking about some things for my blogoversary, and we'll see if any of them, aha...if any of them actually happen. I am making my blog nice and peeeertty, which makes me feel happy. My header was made by Nikki from Fiction Freak because she is wonderful and awesome and I heart her. And I'm making OTHER THINGS prettier, too. In case you hadn't, um, noticed... 

I have plans for reviews, and I have plans for mini-reviews as an effort to deal with my ever-growing pile of Netgalley books, and I have plans for re-reading books because I am always in the mood to re-read SOMETHING. 

Oh, and you may or may not have noticed from my reviews of The Offering on Tuesday and Rome yesterday, but I'm rating books on the blog now! I already did on Goodreads, so I don't think it's such a big deal to NOT rate them here anymore. I'm cool with it now. Sometime soon, I'll make a post explaining my thought processes on why I DIDN'T rate them before, and why I'm actually cool with it now. :)

So yeah. That's more of a plan than I had last year at this time, I can tell you that. 

Overall, 2013 was a really great year for me, and you guys were a big part of that. I'll get more in detail about that in March for my blogoversary, of course, but I just wanted to say thank you. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! You guys rock, and I'm so excited for another year of shenanigans. ;)


  1. Awww, it sounds like 2013 was a great year! Congrats again on becoming Victoria Scott's assistant because how awesome is that?! Your top two books of 2013 were amongst my favorites too. :)

    I hope 2014 is just as awesome for you!

  2. You are the best assistant ever! I heart you so much. Also, love the new header!

  3. I'm super jelly that you are Victoria Scott's assistant! THATS SO AWESOME, and congrats on being an aunty for the 4th time! I have two nieces and I love them to death! They just grow up so fast!! I've been following blogs for a long time, but I never had the guts to leave comments! I'm a baby blogger now, and I see how good it feels to have someone comment on your posts so I'm trying to put myself out there and meet new bloggy friends! I haven't met many from Oklahoma! I wish I lived in Texas, because they have so many awesome bookish events!!! Anyways, I'm glad you had a great year!! I'm dying for Fire & Flood bc it sounds SO amazing, but Fangirl was one of my absolute favorites last year!!! Can I just keep Levi forever? :)

    -Becca @Pivot Book Reviews


Thank you so much for commenting! Comments make my day. I do read all the comments you post and try to reply if I can. If you leave a link, I will most definitely check it out! If you specifically ask a question, please check back for my reply!

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