Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hoppy Easter Extravaganza Giveaway Hop!

So, this is a giveaway hop for Easter. I'm pretty sure I didn't give anything away last year, for my first Easter. And I like to celebrate things! But is there supposed to be a theme here? Because I have no idea what book I would giveaway for an Easter theme. So...I'm just going to give away a book I heart.
What book, you ask? I know, I know. I heart a lot of books. But there is one in particular I feel I should give away today...
Even though I'm already giving it away in my blogoversary giveaway, too...
The Collector by Victoria Scott!
We all know that I've been spazzing about this book even BEFORE I read it and officially met Dante, but now that I HAVE read it? Oh sweet baby is phenominal. I seriously want you all to read it. So here I am, trying to help one of you lucky ducks out with owning a paperback copy!
Also, just so we know, my review of The Collector will post on April 4th as part of the 2013 Belongs to Dante blog event thingy. So be sure to check it out!
And one more thing--the author? Victoria Scott? The one I call V because...well, because? SHE IS ADNFIDNRGIWRN! Yeah. There wasn't even an actual word good enough to type there. Also, I heart her face. I feel you all should be aware of everything about this book, and V is a part of it. Okay? Okay.
Now read on for details and stuff!
- This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL. Eeep!
- ONE winner will win ONE paperback copy of the book mentioned above.
- My giveaway policy DOES apply. Please read it before entering!
- Fill out the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win!
Thank you so much for entering! You are awesome. Now, please, hop on! (That is so much more funny to me since this is an EASTER hop...)



  1. I love Paramore, or Christina Perri, or Coldplay. ¡So many!

  2. MUSE .... i cant't wat to meet DANTE ... HE SOUND .. mmmmmm (in the good way if you know)

  3. I've been listening to .fun's album for days now!

    I've read some excerpts from The Collector and I admit that I can't wait to meet Dante Walker. :)

  4. I like listening to Christina Perri, Josh Groban, Van Morrison.

  5. my fav is The Script and Maroon 5....

  6. I don't have a favorite band, but I'm listening to I Love You by Avril Lavinge, and yes I met Dante and I'm totally in love with him. Guy is awesome!
    Thanks for the giveaway! :D

  7. I'm definitely excited to meet him/read the book! Favourite band- a Korean group named SHINee, it's pretty unlikely that you'll know them haha.

  8. I love The Script! I haven't met Dante Walker yet but I would really LOVE to! :))

    -Riz B.

  9. I love Imagine Dragons. Their songs are perfect to listen to. I am dying to meet Dante Walker. Hope I'll win this giveaway.

  10. +JMJ+

    The band I love the most is McFly! If you're not familiar with them, then I totally recommend that you check them out. Obviously is an early #1 from about ten years ago. Their latest single is Love Is Easy. =)

    I haven't met Dante Walker yet, but I recently read a review that made me curious about the book, so I'm now quite interested. Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  11. I am a big fan of Mumford and Sons and The Lumineers right now. Always a DMB fan too:) I am super excited to meet Dante Walker especially with all of the hype surrounding this book. Thanks for the chance to win! Can't wait to read this!

  12. I'm very excited to mee Dante! :)
    I don't have a favorite band, I like many and I can't choose. Right now I'm listening to Dance Without You by Skylar Grey (not a band obviously).
    Thank you for the giveaway.

  13. I don't have a favorite band, but I love country music! :)
    I haven't read this book yet, but I've been wanting to. It sounds great!

  14. Currently listening to "Remix" by *blushes* New Kids on the Block. My favorite band? It differs, as of right now it's Fall Out Boy. AND I am definitely looking forward to reading all about Dante!! Ah, Dante. Nom nom nom =D

  15. The Killers seem to be stuck in my head lately. I do love their songs. Also recently started listening to the South of France and they're great.

    All this Dante buzz is making me real eager for the book. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. Right now my favorite band is Imagine Dragons. I can`t wait to meet Dante!

  17. As of now, the Imagine Dragons and Cher Lloyd, and I can't wait to meet him. :D

  18. Right now its ABBA :) <3 Thank you so much for the giveaway!

    Btw, I'm a new follower and I'd really appreciate it if you'd follow me back at Forever YA.

    Also, I am currently hosting my very first Blogoversary Giveaway. Please feel free to join ->

  19. I love Imagine Dragons. And I can't wait to meet Dante. Sounds like he's a fun character :D

  20. right now i've been listening to indie music! Yuna and The Villagers are my favourite!
    and yeah i cant wait to meet Dante! <3

  21. hmm i love Queen, ac/dc, guns'n'roses, and once i was a super huge fan of Tokio Hotel lol( not anymore though, but i do still have their posters, cd's and dvd's haha...)

    1. and i can't wait to meet Dante, he sounds hot!

  22. I don't have a favorite band but I can't wait to read this book and meet Dante! Happy Easter! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

    Suz Reads

  23. For now, I really like P!nk. And of course I'm very excited to meet Dante... Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

  24. I'm getting to know Dante right now, and love him even before reading about him because I also love RED !!!
    Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Easter ! :)

  25. I'm super excited to meet Dante, and my favorite band is The Pretty Reckless.

    Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Easter!

  26. I'm really looking forward to the Collector! The blurb sounds amazing. I love The Killers :)

  27. My favorite band is Simple Plan or Nickelback, I'm dying to read this book :) Thanks for the chance to win :D

  28. My favourite band? SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM. Linkin Park, Simple Plan, Paramore, Breaking Benjamin, Skillet, etc.
    I have met Dante, and yes, I absolutely love him! Thanks for the giveaway, Jessica :D

  29. Fav band: Lawson, Parachute, The Cab and Maroon 5. & I love Crash into Me by Dave Matthews band, just awesome.

    I heard a lot about Dante, and I can't wait to meet him!

    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  30. Favorite band would be Coldplay but right now I am listening to David Bowie's new album "The Next Day". Very excited to meet Dante soon.

  31. I am a music junkie, but I really love Band of Horses & The Head and the Heart. I'm looking forward to meeting Dante.

  32. I love Imagine Dragons. Their songs are perfect to listen to. I am dying to meet Dante Walker. Hope I'll win this giveaway.

  33. I love Nickelback! I can't wait to meet Dante Walker!!!


  34. My favorite band is Bon Jovi but I'm listening right now to Avantasia's new album and going crazy! And I'm looking forward to meeting the new bad boy on the block!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. I really into Pink right now, and went to the Bon Jovi in Cleveland recently so he's up there on my list too

  36. i love so many. one of them is evanescence.

  37. Bon Jovi. I'm old. I am very excited to meet Dante.

  38. Yes! This is the book I am most looking forward to in 2013!! I have a few favorite bands and they change. My favorites right now are Muse, The National and The Decemberists.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    mestith at gmail dot com

  39. I'm very excited to meet Dante! Everyone seems to drool over him, so I'm curious to see if he lives up to my expectations! :D

  40. My favorite band is NKOTB. What can I say, I'm one of those people? :-) I"m very excited to meet Dante as well!

  41. I am excited because of all the hype you have created <3. Fav band.... I couldn't honestly say because it is on a day o day basis

  42. I guess I am old school ( and I am seeing other older bands on here as well I loved) cause I love Guns n roses and poison
    Amy Brewer

  43. I have not met Dante yet, but hear he is a charmer ;) I usually love songs rather than bands, but will pick Stixx as I like almost everything they have done. Thank you for your generosity. Hoppy Easter.

  44. Lots of fave bands! :D

  45. I'm usually more of a singer fan rather than a band. But recently I'm sooooo addicted to Radioactive by Imagine Dragons!:)

  46. My favorite is Snow Patrol. Congrats on 1000 GFC followers!

  47. my fave band is maroon 5 ,,,
    and i can't wait to meet dantwe walker :)

  48. My favorite is Simple Plan and Hedley both are canadians!
    I also really really like (kind of another favorite) is Bon Jovi!

  49. I honestly havent heard of Dante Walker :( But my fav band is def The Glitch Mob! :D
    Samantha Deen

  50. I can't wait to meet him!!! My favorite band is Fun. :)

  51. My fave band is MercyMe.
    I haven't met Dante yet but I'd like to ASAP :))

  52. I have a lot of favorite band. Panic at the Disco, Flyleaf, Paramore and Fall Out Boys. :)

  53. Imagine Dragons is my favorite band right now. I also love Train and the Fray. There are others, but if I named all of them, this comment would be really long.

  54. It just depends on what mood I'm in lol Breaking Benjamin, Brokencyde, Queen, Imagine Dragons, and many more :) I am excited to meet him
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  55. I don't listen to a lot of music but I do love Maroon 5!

    I am super excited to read Dante...he sounds like tons of fun!

  56. I like Little Big Town. I can't wait to read Dante.

  57. Ooh I love Dave Matthews Band! "Crush" is mine and my husband's song. :)

    My favorite band...hmm. Can't choose between Within Temptation, and Mortal Love.

    I am indeed excited to meet him.

  58. Favorite band... Linkin Park. As for Dante, I'm really excited to meet him and I can't wait! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  59. My favorite band is Death Cab for Cutie. I am very excited to meet him!

  60. I can't wait to meet Dante! I have heard numerous times that he is pretty darn awesome. As for a favorite band, that is as impossible to answer as my favorite book. I love music, and I love all kinds of music. Someday's one thing, another day another thing!

  61. OMG!! I LOVE Dave Matthews!!! He is one of my top favorites. Also I love Seal, Sara McLachlan, Fleetwood Mac, and so many more!!
    No I actually don't know who Dante Walker is. But I would really love to!! I've read a lot of great reviews on this book and I'm really looking forward to reading this book!! I'm so happy that you picked this book for the giveaway!! I hope you had a wonderful Easter!! Thank you so much for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

  62. I have so many bands I love but one of my favorites right now is Sleeping With Sirens :)
    I'm so excited to meet Dante! I have a feeling he's going to be my new book boyfriend :)

  63. I am so excited to "meet" Dante Walker. I love the diffrent approach to the genre :)

  64. Muse and Florence + The MAchine.
    I`m excited to finally meet him~
    Thanks! :)

  65. I am excited to meet Dante Walker, thanks! I don't listen to much music anymore, so I don't really have a favourite band. I spend all my time listening to audiobooks!

  66. the Eagles were my favorite band and yes I'm excited to meet Dante Walker.

  67. Currently just listening to random indie bands on satellite radio no real preference and I can't wait to meet Dante!!

  68. Dante was such a unique character! I loved reading about things through his POV. Thank you for the giveaway!

  69. I love Florence and The Machine and Mumford and Sons! ♥

    Thank you so much!

    Rafflecopter name: Joss A.

  70. I have so many that I love. Florence and the Machine is probably my top one right now.

  71. I don't really have a favorite band. Dante sounds like a great character, and I look forward to meeting him.


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